A while back I speculated on the possible owners of various
coats of arms on the old Westminster Hospital in Horseferry Road. Rouge Dragon Pursuivant identified two of them as the University of London and the Royal College of Physicians but the third, a bird of prey with a crown and sceptre, remained a mystery.
Well, all things come to him that waits and the other day I was cycling down Portugal Street, round the back of Lincoln's Inn Fields, when I came across the self-same crest, over the rear entrance of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
So that's cleared that one up.
Someone from the College of Arms couldnt identify the crest of the Royal College of Surgeons? Poor show.
To be fair, he did say he would have to look it up and didn't say that he would. Which means I can now bask in the glow of having solved it myself.
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